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  J Y N X T  

Leaving aside all the childhood jam sessions, the JYNXT story begins in 1999, when Ben and Nat decided that their existing bands, and almost every band around them, sounded tired. They quit, moved in together and began to experiment with electronics. Nat’s days and nights in his father’s studio mastering production techniques put them way ahead of the competition as they fused their love for looped breaks with guitar riffs and live bass. Now they needed a singer - someone with the right attitude, ability and energy to fit into their sound and take it to the next level. Struggling to make their own vocals fit the groove, the two brothers began to realize it wasn't gonna work.... A year passed, and it passed slowly. Then one day sorting through the drawers in their studio they came accross a track their little sister Tally had recorded with Nat a couple years previously. Realizing they had the answer right under their noses, in an instant a cd was sent to Italy where she was living. After hearing a couple of songs she was imediately impressed & next thing she was on a plane to the UK. She began to fly to back & forth a couple times a month for gigs & recordings & eventually moved back to London permanently.

Only one piece of the puzzle remained, and by now the fairy-tale ending should be easy to see. JYNXT wanted that extra layer of sound and energy that would put the band far ahead of their competitors. Jez, the other brother, was a professional DJ. He joined the fold in a flash, and the picture was complete. JYNXT have since honed their white-hot live show, swiftly going from the back-room circuit to headlining at “Neighbourhood Club”, One of London’s finest major club venues, as well as MTV-favourite “Sound” in Leicester Square. A successuful 1st outing in the USA, forthcoming tour and further dates in the U.S mid 2005. can only further enhance this band’s reputation.

JYNXT comprises four siblings; four very different individuals; four children of Jeremy Spencer, a former founding member of the legendry Fleetwood Mac. To grow up surrounded by music and endowed with natural talent is surely a rare advantage, but the Spencer children have more than that. They have an unshakeable conviction in their own musical vision: a combination of classic song writing and cutting-edge electronic production married to a guitar-heavy rock sound that leaves speaker stacks smoking.

Visit the official Jynxt website

Band members:
Koa Spencer: Songwriter, guitars, keyboards
Nat Spencer: Songwriter, sampling sequencing and bass.
Tally Spencer: Singer, songwriter
Jez Spencer: DJ
12/2/06 - Jynxt single now avaliable GO »

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